Carpeaurum Legal Tender - "Carpeaurum Legal Tender"

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Carpeaurum Legal Tender

The Future of Digital Gold Coin


12 March 2022
1.    What is Carpeaurum – a Latin word coined by SATTT meaning “seize the gold.” It is a custodial asset belonging to several de facto Indigenous Communities in North America, Papua and Australia.
2.    What gives these Indigenous Communities the right, power and authority to use Carpeaurum - Indigenous Communities have de facto rights as opposed to de jure rights that belong to organized governments.
3.    What’s the difference between de facto and de jure - a de facto government or community receives its laws and rules from natural law – it has always been there, unchangeable, for over thousands of years; de jure government means it receives its laws by man-made rule or law-making usually by elected legislatures. Both jurisdictions are recognized and endorsed by customary international law (one of the sources of enforceable law).
4.    What laws authorize Carpeaurum in the USA – There are no known laws preventing Indigenous Communities from staking a claim to their God-given in-ground gold. They occupied and possessed all the land first before outsiders came as conquerors, colonizers, occupiers and settlers. The use of Carpeaurum for de facto jurisdictions is authorized by 31 Code of Federal Regulations 1010.100(m) and (zz); Title 25 United States Code, section 1301; Title 18 United States Code section 1151; and the 9th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
5.    What is the source of Carpeaurum – it’s an inground asset that is  un-mined and unextracted gold.
6.    Do you have geological surveys and assays by de jure government proving the existence of inground gold – Yes.
7.    How do we measure the worth and value of Carpeaurum – we are pegging it at USD999.00 per ounce. Purchasers can obviously realize an instant profit of approximately USD900.00 based on the current price of gold.
8.    Assuming someone purchases, say ten ounces of Carpeaurum. When can the Purchaser realize a return – The Purchaser has acquired a profit-sharing enterprise worth almost USD10,000.00 (ten ounces). In two-years, Purchasers may opt to hold on to their Carpeaurum for another two years, or redeem them at the end of two years based on the prevailing price of gold. Your gains and profits are obviously significant.
9.    Explain this – when you purchase ten ounces of Carpeaurum for USD10,000.00, say today, you have actually purchased USD18,000.00 worth of gold based on today’s price of USD1,800.00 per ounce. Your profit today is USD8,000.00. In two years when the price of gold is, say USD2,100.00 per ounce, your USD10,000 worth of ten ounces will be worth USD21,000.00. You would realize a profit of USD11,000.00 in two years.
10.  So, where does your profit come from to pay the Purchaser – every dollar collected for the sale of Carpeaurum is placed in a private placement program (PPP) with a tranche of at least USD10 million each. The credit/deposit multiplier definition gets into high gear as explained in Barron’s Dictionary of Finance & Investment Terms.
11.  Will Carpeaurum eventually be the system of exchange for PPP instead of fiat money – This is the primary goal and objective of Carpeaurum being in commerce.
12.  Do Indigenous Communities in North America, Papua and Australia have the power and authority to use and launch Carpeaurum into commerce – Yes. No existing or future laws to prevent this as a de facto Indigenous Community government is a recognized political establishment.
13. What happens if de jure gets stronger than de factoDe facto jurisdictions, as enjoyed by Indigenous Communities, can be equal to or more stronger than de jure jurisdictions once police power is acquired. Carpeaurum, as legal tender, offers de facto jurisdictions the only means, manner and method of acquiring wealth to establish its own police power as afforded under customary international law.
14.  Does police power make de facto jurisdictions safer, stronger and more secure – No question and no argument. Indigenous Communities will be able to enjoy their self-government status (Title 25 USC sec. 1301) only when they acquire, establish and entrench police power. There is no other lawful, legal and legitimate option. Arma in armatos sumere jura sinunt is a Latin common law aphorism that means the taking of arms against the armed is allowed in law. In the USA the 2nd Amendment (right bear arms for a militia) supports this proposition.
15.  Are Indigenous Communities weak, meek and enslaved today because they have not acquired police power as yet – No question, no argument. You snooze you lose. This is the reason Indigenous Communities are still marginalized, disenfranchised, victimized and demonized as “inferior people.” We lived off the land for food, shelter and clothing. Our weapons were solely used for hunting and gathering until we were provoked into fighting to protect our farming, hunting and gathering lands from colonizer theft. Carpeaurum in commerce will help us have purchasing power to secure police power.
16.  Is Carpeaurum money – Yes, it is as a medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account. It is real money in the sense that it is not printed by government and given an artificial value and worth called “full faith and credit.”
17. Can Carpeaurum become legal tender – that’s the primary objective and goal of Indigenous Communities as spearheaded by SATTT. If other cryptocurrencies NOT backed by precious metals can make it in commerce based on mutual market acceptance, SATTT is convinced that Carpeaurum has a huge and bright future.
18. Will de jure government accept Carpeaurum as legal tender – that doesn’t concern or bother us because we are not buying anything from the government using their fiat money but goods and services directly from manufacturers and producers who do not work for government, and are willing to accept Carpeaurum. The law of contract is premised upon the concept of “willing buyer, willing seller.”
19. What will it take to be accepted as legal tender – Carpeaurum is said to be in commerce once it is accepted by producers of goods and services. These merchants must understand and appreciate the value and worth of gold-backed digital currency.
20. Is Carpeaurum cryptocurrency – No, it’s digital currency backed by in-ground gold. “Crypto” suggests something secretive and concealed. Carpeaurum is not designed for such purposes. We wish to openly declare to the de facto and de jure jurisdictions that we are here and we mean business.
21. Who decides if Carpeaurum has worth and value – the acceptor of goods and services who realizes the worth and value of gold-backed digital currency.
22. What is the motivation for the supplier of goods and services to accept the use of Carpeaurum – tax benefits, freedom from government control and intrusion, business and commercial privacy, the placing of profits and gains in secret Trust, charitable foundations beyond government control are some of the measurable tangible advantages as afforded by de jure laws.
23. Does Carpeaurum have a capitalist thrust, or does it promote and advance capitalism – most definitely not, as we advance and advocate egalitarianism. None of us are born equal, but we have an equal right to every opportunity based on our learning and our inherent knowledge. “From each according to his abilities, and to each according to his needs” is our guiding light, motivation, goal and objective.
24. I am a SATTT Tribal Member and participant of the MCOLB program. What’s in it for me? You will each receive up to USD5 million worth of Carpeaurum for a certain number of positions acquired in the MCOLB program. Other SATTT programs have their pre-determined returns which will be honored.
25. How does SATTT intend to keep a record of the issuance of Carpeaurum to MCOLB and other Program Participants – An Online Tribal Exchange Register with codes assigned for account holders is being prepared.
26. What can prevent Carpeaurum from becoming legal tender – When every producer of goods and services sees no worth and value for in-ground gold. The price of gold whether in-ground or extracted has never been diminished, depressed or decreased because gold has always been a dependable and reliable medium of exchange, a store of value and a unit of account.
27. Can de jure government prevent the use of Carpeaurum – There are no known laws that we have breached or broken, so we are not concerned or bothered unnecessarily. Carpeaurum will enable Indigenous Communities to acquire police power and peacekeeping forces to safeguard their lives, welfare and assets from theft and other forms of encroachment by de jure government-issued licenses and permits to rich and influential mining corporations.

What backs Carpeaurum?

Carpeaurum is an in-ground asset that is un-mined and un-extracted gold.  All geological surveys and assays by de jure government proving the existence of in-ground gold is available in the public domain. The quality and quantity of this God-given precious metal which has  become money for thousands of years is well documented in the official records of Papua, Australia, North America, Borinken (formerly Puerto  Rico) and elsewhere.

According  to the Office of the Chief Economist, Australia Economic Resources  claim to have 10,165 (t AU) of gold current surveyed and still in the  ground.
Raking World number 1 with 19% of the worlds in ground gold.
The International Monetary Fund holds around 90.5 million ounces (2,814.1 metric tons) of mined gold at designated depositories

Indigenous communities around the global have the right, power and authority to use Carpeaurum under De Facto governance.
There are  no known laws preventing Indigenous Communities from staking a claim to  their God-given in-ground gold. They occupied and possessed all the land  first before outsiders came as conquerors, colonisers, occupiers and  settlers.
The use of  Carpeaurum for de facto jurisdictions is authorised by Section 115  Commonwealth of Australia 31 Code of Federal Regulations 1010.100(m) and  (zz); Title 25 United States Code, section 1301; Title 18 United States  Code section 1151; and the 9th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

Australia's Gold a valuable national asset
In Australia, the Discovery of Gold in the mid 19th Century spurred Australia's growth and development.
In the Australia's Gold  Industry, A Valuable Asset report authored by the Minerals Council of  Australia, has quoted that in 2012-13 a total of $291m AUD was paid in  royalties.
The report quotes
'Today, the gold mining  industry helps sustain our national prosperity through exports,  high-wage jobs, investment and tax and royalty revenues.'
and confirming Australia's gold industry as a national asset worth valuing now and in the future.

in this report the reference to mineral royalty payments represent a direct return to the community from the discovery and extraction of gold resources.
In  2002-12 the gold industry paid almost $2.2 billion to state and  territory governments in royalty payments alone in the decade to  2012-13.     Gold royalties in 2012-13 totalled about $291 million, up  112 per cent compared with 2002-03 (Figure 9). Given its share of  Australian production, more than 70 per cent of gold royalties are paid  to the Government of Western Australia where gold royalties accounted  for almost 4.2 per cent of total royalty receipts in 2012-13. Australian  gold companies work closely with local communities and other  stakeholders to ensure economic and social benefits from gold mining are  strong and sustainable.
In some  regional and remote centres, the gold industry is the main source of  economic activity, helping ensure local communities remain stable and  viable. As well as being important providers of employment,  apprenticeships and skills development opportunities, gold companies are  directly involved in helping build and maintain social and physical  infrastructure in regional areas.
Ensuring  Indigenous Australians share in opportunities flowing from the gold  industry has been a key focus of company activity (Box 3). Increasingly,  this has involved efforts to engage and support Indigenous businesses  within the procurement chain through various forms (as suppliers, joint  venture partners or sub-contractors). Gold  companies recognise the importance of ongoing dialogue with a wide  range of stakeholder groups, especially in the locations in which they  operate. Dialogue with community stakeholders starts well before mining  begins. Other stakeholders include employees and contractors, customers,  suppliers, government agencies and non-government organisations.

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