Carpeaurum For Sale - "Carpeaurum Legal Tender"

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Carpeaurum For Sale

USD 6 million worth in Carpeaurum Gold Certificates is for sale highly reasonable offers are welcomed.

1 CGC @ 1 million USD, June 2023.
1 CGC @ 1 million USD, July 2023.
1 CGC @ 1 million USD, August 2023.
1 CGC @ 1 million USD, September 2023.
1 CGC @ 1 million USD, October 2023.
1 CGC @ 1 million USD, November 2023.
Interested buyers please contact

Purchaser/Holder of CGC will become the beneficial registered owner of the carpeaurum gold certificate upon purchase. Cryptocurrencies are accepted for purchase of CGC as well as USD or GBP

Please Visit to learn more about Carpeaurum.

What Is Carpeaurum?
Carpeaurum is tribal money "legal tender" it is as a medium of exchange,  a store of value,  a unit of account, a method of payment and a means  of settlement.  Carpeaurum is not cryptocurrency its digital currency backed by in-ground gold assets that is un-mined and un-extracted gold,  it is a custodial asset belonging to several de facto Indigenous  Communities in North America, Papua, Australia and the South African Kingdoms...  .

What is the value and worth of Carpeaurum?
Carpeaurum – is pegged at USD $900.00 per ounce.

Purchasers  can obviously realise an instant profit of approximately USD900.00  based on the current price of gold.  Assuming someone purchases, say ten  ounces of Carpeaurum. When can the Purchaser realise a return – The  Purchaser has acquired a profit-sharing enterprise worth almost  USD10,000.00 (ten ounces). In two-years, Purchasers may opt to hold on  to their Carpeaurum for another two years, or redeem them at the end of  two years based on the prevailing price of gold. The gains and profits  are obviously significant. To clarify this Judge explains – when you  purchase ten ounces of Carpeaurum for USD10,000.00, say today, you have  actually purchased USD18,000.00 worth of gold based on today’s price of  USD1,800.00 per ounce. Your profit today is USD8,000.00. In two years  when the price of gold is, say USD2,100.00 per ounce, your USD10,000  worth of ten ounces will be worth USD21,000.00. You would realize a  profit of USD11,000.00 in two years.

​So, where does your profit  come from to pay the Purchaser – every dollar collected for the sale of  Carpeaurum is placed in a private placement program (PPP) with a tranche  of at least USD10 million each. The credit/deposit multiplier  definition gets into high gear as explained in Barron’s Dictionary of  Finance & Investment Terms.
Please be advised that SATTT is the proprietory owner of Carpeaurum, and the yield as CGC makes the recipient the registered owner of Carpeaurum.

Therefore, future exchanges of Carpeaurum into other forms of legal tender, goods or services must be reported to Sattt for Record Keeping.

Things changed. Times changed. So, has our thinking on the long-term effects of our unit of measurement, medium of exchange, unit of account, store of value, method of payment & means of settlement.

un-official fansite for carpeaurum legal tender
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